Sunday, December 21, 2014


I am currently obsessed with the app Spotify. I love that it is all free and you get to hear more songs like the ones that you already enjoy. I love how it has thousands of premade playlists that you can listen to for hours. It is really helpful when you are studying because there are hundreds of songs that other people have already put together that are aimed at helping you focus or keeping you relaxed. All you have to do is pick one and hit play.

Then, if you find a song that you really like you can save it to your own music. I love this feature because you might not be able to remember the name of the song later on to look it up, so this way you already have it saved. With this app you can easily find great songs that you would have never been able to hear without it.

However, I don’t like that you can’t play individual songs. If you want to specifically want to listen to a certain song then, then you either have to pay or just go to a different music program. That is the one thing that kind of annoys me with this app but I suppose the company has to have some incentive to make people want to buy from them to become a member.

The commercials and advertisements are typically between 15 and 30 seconds and after every few songs. I actually don’t mind the ads because they don’t last that long and sometimes there will be the option to watch a video and then get a half hour without being disturbed.  These videos are only 30 seconds long, so that seems like a good deal to me.

I really love this app right now and I think it is a really good deal.

Word count: 309

How to Chirstmas shop on a Budget

As teenagers we never seem to have very much spare cash just lying around that we can use to spend on other people. So how are we supposed to get presents for our whole family and all of our friends? I mean we probably just work a minimum age job (if that), so getting everyone expensive gifts is out of the question. But you still want to get everyone nice things that they will actually use and appreciate. I have come across some solutions to this problem that might be able to help some of you out as well.

1)     You could make your own homemade present. Parents are always going to be appreciative of something you spent the time to make yourself. Just try to not make it too “kiddish”. You could knit your mom a scarf or make her jewelry. You could knit your dad a hat or make some mittens.  

2)     Make a kit of some sort. For example if your family is really into movies, you could buy some popcorn, seasoning, a cute container, and a movie or two. This is super inexpensive and is extremely cute and thoughtful. This idea also works great with a hot chocolate theme to it.

3)     You can hit up thrift stores. They have really cheap clothes that you can give to people ironically. Typically you can find one or two really ugly Christmas sweaters there that would be a perfect gift to a friend. Or maybe they have ironic or humorous T-shirts you could wrap up and stick under the tree. This gift won’t cost you much and will probably make the person receiving the gift laugh.

4)     Baked goods are always a good option for when you are running low on cash. You can bake a batch of cookies and that can serve as presents to many people. You probably even have cookies already at your house from baking with your family, so you could probably just use those.

5)     Search the clearance items at stores. You could buy a bunch of little things that can go in the same present for less money than one large gift. Most of the time the things you end up buying are ridiculous so you will have a fun time seeing the reactions on their faces when they open their present.

6)     Pictures are always an inexpensive yet personal gift you can give someone. You could frame a photo of you and your best friend and give it to them. Or make a collage of all the great times you two have had together. It is something you can put a lot of thought and effort into without breaking the bank this holiday season.

Helpful Tip: If you want more ideas I would suggest going to

Word count: 466



So my school has started this new program called SMART Lunch.  Basically it is an extended lunch hour in which students can go talk to their teachers and get help on things if they need it. Currently, we have an eighty minute period in the day dedicated for students to work on homework or go get help from teachers.

I really like this idea because if you are struggling in a class it gives you opportunities to go in for extra help. This is so much better than having to go in before or after school because, when you ride the bus that was nearly impossible. Another thing I like about SMART lunch is that upperclassman can leave and go off campus. So in the middle of the day you could go home and eat lunch and do homework there if you wanted too. Eighty minutes is also enough time to go out to eat or grab something quick at a fast food restaurant. If you forget to do some of your homework for your afternoon classes than you can quickly finish that up during lunch. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to do that. SMART lunch is a great break from the stresses of the school day and it is nice to get away so the day is not too overwhelming.

However, this new freedom will be taken advantage of by some kids. For instance some kids will leave for SMART lunch and just not come back to school for their afternoon classes. Or some students might not use the time for studying (if you know what I mean). But that is to be expected from a bunch of high school students. I just hope these few students don't ruin it for the rest of us who actually appreciate the new time off. The other problem with SMART lunch is that it is easy to get distracted and do other things with friends rather than doing the work that needs to get done. But that’s not something the school can control and regulate, so they can’t do anything to change that. Right now it is a requirement that if you have a D or an F in a class you are not allowed to leave and required to attend tutorials in those classes. The problem with this is the school won’t punish you if you don’t go to the required tutorials and it is hard to regulate all 2000 kids at my school.  So it wouldn’t be too hard to leave even if you aren’t supposed to.

Overall I think that SMART lunch is a really good addition to our day and should improve our school’s academic performance.

Word count: 453


Sunday, December 14, 2014


I am going to write this post assuming that everyone knows what YouTube is. But, in case you have been living under a rock for you entire life here is the link: I am going to talk about the benefits and distractions of this website for high school students nowadays.

First, I would like to say that YouTube has really good academic advantages to it. If you are having trouble with a particular concept in school this website will probably have multiple different teachers lecturing about it that can really help you understand it.  I talked about how this helped me in my AP European History class in an earlier blog post. But there are many different teachers out there who post their lectures on this sight that can really help you out because each one explains something a little differently. This sight has been a huge lifesaver and I give it credit for me passing many tests.

Now to the fun stuff. YouTube has always been big in the music scene by having nearly every song you can think of has been uploaded to this sight. So if you are wanting to watch a new music video or look up the lyrics to your favorite songs than you can find them on this site. There are even playlists that you can listen to that other people have put together.

YouTube can actually be a job and people can become famous for making videos on this sight. Some of my favorites that I recommend you checking out are as follows:

1)      Bethany Mota:

Beth talks about hair, makeup, outfit ideas, and other girly stuff. She gives you great beauty tips and has a really fun personality that is fun to watch. Recently she was on DWTS (Dancing With the Stars), so she hasn’t been uploading videos as muchas she used to be, but hopefully she will start again soon.

This is a SUPER hilarious channel that she uploads to twice a week. She likes to make fun of people, including her family, in a way that isn’t mean but is really funny.

3)      Casper Lee:

This is another comedic channel, that usually consists of funny skits that Casper and his friends perform

Word count:378

Surviving AP Physics

I can say that without a doubt that AP physics is one of the hardest science courses that I have taken during my high school career. Let’s just get one thing straight, this entire course is applied mathematics. It deals with a lot of concepts that require careful thought and can at times be very tedious. Don’t get me wrong, I think the class is very interesting and I like the challenge. But, it is definitely not for everyone. To succeed in this class you are going to have to be willing to work hard to understand the difficult problems or concepts.

The biggest issue I have with this class is the tests. My teacher designs his tests like the AP exam, so that we get practice with the time constraint.  This is especially difficult because each problem requires you to think and a lot of math work with equations in order to answer. So basically if you don’t know it, just skip it and move on because otherwise you will not finish.

However, you do get an equation sheet that will be on the AP exam that you can use. This takes some of the pressure off because you don’t have to memorize the many complex equations. But, when you do you math ALWAYS check your units and make sure they are the right ones. There are many times that the question will give you multiple different units and you will have to convert it before you even start solving the problem.

None of the concepts you will learn are too out there; you should be able to understand everything and everything seems to make sense. So this class is for someone who really likes complicated math problems that you will have to use both logic and mathematics to solve. I don’t want to scare anyone away from taking this class but I am just warning you what you are getting yourself into. This class is completely manageable but it is by no means an easy science course that you take to boost your GPA.

When solving complicated physics problems always be careful and double check your work when you are done. It is really easy to make a stupid mistake and get an answer that is way off. Even something as simple as rounding can change your ending answer by a lot.

This class is definitely very challenging and something that you shouldn’t take lightly.

Word count: 407

Trivia Crack

The app called Trivia Crack is the new latest craze to hit the high school scene. The game gives you trivia questions and you try to get “crowns” in each category. The first person to get all six “crowns” wins the game. The six categories are science, geography, sports, art, and entertainment.  This game directly connects you to your friends so that you can play against one another.

The game has literally taken over the lives of almost everyone around me, including myself, and if you see anyone on their phones you can assume they are playing trivia crack. Even my family has gotten in on this craze; there have been very intense battles between my dad and I to see who wins.  

Anyway, trivia crack is a great game because it tests your knowledge and you can learn something new from it. I like it better than other games that have been popular in the past because you can get something out of it rather than just figuring out how to put three of the same colored candies in a row. However, it can be very distracting especially in class because you think it won’t take very long to play. I also like this game because you directly play against your friends rather than just yourself or against complete strangers. This keeps the game exciting because it appeals to your competitive side.

In the app there is an option to challenge your opponent. This gives you a chance to steal one of their “crowns”, but you have to risk losing one of your own. This is a great feature it means if you are really far behind your opponent then you have a chance to catch up. However if you lose, you get even further behind.  These can get really competitive, especially if you send one every round. There have been multiple instances where I have been about to win the game, but lost because of all the challenges my opponent has sent me (Which was really annoying!). Anyway, this game is really fun to play with your friends and won’t fry your brain like other games can.

Another reason I like this app is because due to the different categories everyone has a chance and is good at least one of them. For me, it is science that I am really good at, but for some of my friends it is sports or art. It really just depends on what you are interested in and what you like to do.

Helpful hint: Don’t challenge someone until you get a few of the characters, that way if you lose you will still have some left.

Word count: 446

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Surviving Gym

Gym class is not for everyone. Some people thrive in it while others dread it, but at some point during your high school career you will probably have to take a gym class at some point. My school just changed its curriculum this year, so I am in a gym class right now. If you are like me and have to take gym, I would first check if an online or classroom gym is available. With the classroom gym, you don’t have to get all sweaty and gross in the middle of the day. Then with online gym it doesn’t take up a whole class period and you get to exercise whenever and however you want to.

However, for most of us we don’t get that luxury. For an hour of our day we are forced to exert physical exercise. If you can choose when you have the class I would suggest trying to get the one either right before lunch or the last class of the day. That way if you get too sweaty and gross you will have extra time to freshen up before you see other people. I decided to take my gym class as a zero hour. For those of you who don’t know what that is, it is an optional extra hour that you can take before school starts. This also gives me extra time to get ready in the locker rooms before school.

If you can choose the type of gym to take, I would suggest the ones that will get you the least sweaty. The last thing you want is to be super smelly and gross for your next class. Some classes will even let you out extra early so that you have enough time to get ready.

When packing for gym class in the morning or the night before there are four essentials you need to make sure you bring. The first is gym clothes to change into so that you don’t have to wear your gross clothes all day. Then deodorant and perfume to make sure you don’t stink. You will also need a hair brush and some make up. Just the necessities to get refreshed after gym class.

Word Count: 368

Surviving AP US History (APUSH)

AP US History, at least at my school, is not a horribly challenging class to get a good grade in. As long as you pay attention in class and do your homework you will be fine. The only things I find challenging is keeping the timeline straight because our book sometimes goes out of order of when things happen. So if you are in the class or planning on taking it, make sure to pay attention to when things happen.

I have previously taken two other advanced placement social studies courses and I would say this is not really different than the other two. It is mostly learning about when things happened, why they happened, and the effect they had. You probably already know some of the material that this class covers so there isn’t anything brand new to cover. But, this class does go into greater detail that you will have to analyze.

When writing the free response questions make sure to include specific events or examples for evidence that supports your claims. The new advanced placement grading system is looking more for you to be able to recall these events when writing. So even if your thesis is correct if you don’t have specific examples to support it you could still loose points on it. This can be the difference between a four and a five.

The document based questions are like any others you might have encountered in any other advanced placement social studies class. You get ten to fifteen documents and a question that you use the documents to answer. However there are sometimes documents that might prove the opposite of what your claim is. With these documents you don’t have to use them, it is worse to use documents incorrectly than to not use them at all.  Most of the time, the answer to the question is in the documents and is not too complicated or difficult to figure out.

I would recommend taking this course because I have heard it gets you out of a lot of general education classes in college.  It is a good boost to your GPA and looks great on college resumes. I think it is easier than my previous two advanced placement social studies classes, which were AP European history and AP Human Geography, but it is still going to be more challenging that the regular class. However, if you pass out of some college classes, it is worth it, because it will save you both time and money.

Word Count: 420



Surviving Finals

Every school has them, and every student dreads them. It is officially finals season and these tests can either make or break your grades. They can be stressful, intimidating, and most of all annoying. But, we all have to get through them, so here are some helpful suggestions that might make finals seem a little less terrible.

1.       Make sure you understand what is on your final and how it is weighted. That way you know what to study the night before you take it. Most finals are weighted between ten and twenty percent of your grade, if the final is not weighted as much you know to focus on other classes where the finals are weighted more. Also make sure you know what you will be tested on so you can make sure to study the right material.

2.       On the day of finals, do not stress out. You either know the information or you don’t. There is really nothing you can do about it, so try not to stress out about it. Just relax, and think about what the questions are asking because you probably do know the answer.

3.       Eat a good breakfast. You don’t want to be falling asleep while taking your finals. I suggest things that will give you as much energy as possible. Things like oatmeal or eggs are always good along with coffee or other drinks that will give you energy. This step is especially important for timed tests because when you are tired you tend to be slow and sluggish. The last thing you want is to not even finish the test.

4.       In the weeks prior to finals try to do every extra credit opportunity possible. This way your grades are padded in case you don’t do so hot on the finals. This will relieve some of the stress that finals can put on you.

5.       Be confident when you answer the questions. I have already done a blog post that tells you how to survive test taking but I want to emphasize not second guessing yourself. Your first instincts are usually right.

6.       When finals are over plan to have a celebration or treat yourself to something special. This will motivate you to do well on finals and give you something to look forward to. And if you didn’t do well, this should take your mind off of it.

Finals are never a fun time during the school year but it is important not to stress too much about them. You can even think about them as a good thing. It could be another chance to improve your grade enough to get from an A- to an A.  

Good luck everybody!

Word count: 451

Sunday, November 9, 2014

The End of Fall Sports

As the last of the fall sports conclude, we finally have more time on our hands to do the things we want to do. Sports take up a lot of time and energy and we have to give up a lot of things that we love to do. Even though it is sad to see another season ended and hard to say goodbye to your team, the fact that your sport has ended for the year can be a good thing.
This is a time to get back to what we used to do and improve some of the habits we formed while on season. For instance you will finally have enough energy, and no excuses not to do all of your homework that night. This means if you let your grades slip this season you can finally do the extra work to make them up.
It is important to get into good study habits during this time, because is really easy to form bad ones. You have so much more time after school, don’t waste it. I know it can be really tempting to watch TV for a couple of hours rather than sitting down and doing your math homework. That being said, it is also a good time to start doing other things that you couldn’t during season. Whether it be, hanging out with friends more often or reading at night instead of falling right to sleep. This time can be both sad and relieving.
I just want to say congratulations to all of my fellow student athletes out there who made it through another year. I know it is not easy and you should feel proud of what you have accomplished!

Word Count: 284

Surviving AP Chemistry

AP Chemistry is the second AP science class I have taken and in some ways the two are similar. In both classes you go into in depth detail of concepts covered in the regular classes, and the material always seems harder than it actually is. The first science AP course that I took was AP biology and it can be compared to AP chemistry, difficulty wise at least.
When it comes to AP chemistry it is important to understand the main concepts, and then know how to provide evidence for them. Especially with the free response questions, you need to explain concepts and what they are. It is alright if you don’t remember all of the specifics because if you show that you have a general understanding of the correct answer, you will typically get the point. However, typically the multiple choice section of the tests could test you on some of the details.
With this class if you don’t understand what you did wrong, it is important to go back and look at it. This is because you will be tested on the basic concepts of the class; so if you don’t know it, you are missing a major objective of the class.
Currently in our class we are learning about net ionic equations. The thing I struggle most about these is that you are going to need to know the details. Because in these equations they could give you the name of the ion and you are going to have to identify what it is and what its charge is. So, in this class it is important to both know the overall concept with some exceptions where the smaller details are important.
Lab reports are going to be a part of your grade in this class and here are some tips for surviving them:
1.      Listen to directions. As long as you include everything that the teacher wants you to include, you should get the majority of the points available.
2.      Turn it in on time. If you struggle with these, you don’t want to lose even more points because it is late.
3.      Make them neat and organized. You worked hard on these; you are going to want your teacher to be able to understand them.
4.      Don’t stress about them too much. All they are is just a summary of what you did in the lab. Just explain what you did, the results you got, and why or why not those results make sense. As long as you know those things, the lab report is a piece of cake.
Helpful Tip: Don’t get too far behind in this class; there is a lot to cover and not a lot of time to do so.
Word count: 458

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Maintaining The Balance Between Personal and School Life

Our lives as teenagers are made up of two worlds: school and personal. Both can be equally stressful and chaotic, even at the same time. It is important to distinguish the two and maintain that separation. Keeping a balance and not letting one take over the other is very important, and at times can be extremely difficult. Take this for an example: if your boyfriend/ girlfriend breaks up with you the night before finals, you still need to be able to focus on the tests the next day. Letting one overcome the other can be disastrous, because it leads to even more stress than you already have.

Both worlds are equally important and need equal amounts of attention. Focus too much on school, and neglect your brain the chance to relax. Focus too much on your social or personal life and you suffer academically. Keeping the two worlds from taking over each other is essential if you want to survive high school. When it is time to study, actually study; and when it is the weekend, try to designate some time to hanging out with your friends or family. You should get good grades at school but you also need the time to relax and be yourself.

I understand that this concept is a lot easier said than done. After all, some of the only times you get to see your friends are at school, and a lot of drama can go down in those six hours. When you are in a classroom try to mainly focus on what the teacher is saying, and when you are in the hallways try to talk about other things than academics. Personally, I have been guilty of talking nonstop about a test I got back as well as letting drama get in the way of my assignments. Both cases are not fun to deal with.

I think it is okay to ask your friends for help on assignments sometimes, so long as it is not all of the time. You don’t want them to think you are using them for their homework. I also think it is okay to procrastinate on your homework for a bit to help out a friend. But, the same rule applies, as long as it doesn’t go too far.

One reason not to let one world take over the other is that in the future you will need both social skills and good academics. Good academics might get you into a good college or a chance at a good job, but you will need your social and personal skills to ace the interview. Another reason is because when both of your worlds are in order, you can truly be happy. During those times, you can be confident in your grades and still have fun with your friends and family. I know those times can be rare, but they will never happen if your worlds are colliding.

Word Count: 490

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Truth About High School Swimming

Swimming is a sport not to be taken lightly. It is one of the most time consuming and exhausting sports I have ever done. Don’t get me wrong, it is a lot of fun and if you want to join you should. But it is a very large commitment. I have been a swimmer for as long as I can remember, so I am used to the sacrifices it requires. Many times the new people who join in the summer don’t understand that and usually end up quitting.

I am not trying to scare you away from trying it out; it really is a great sport. I am just trying to warn you that it might be harder than you think. Each practice takes a lot out of you and you get a lot less time to do homework than normal. The workouts are hard and they will probably push you until you break. But the reason you stick with it is for the team. I know competitive swimming is considered to be an “individual” sport, but you really have to rely on your teammates if you want to succeed. You and your team all have to go through the same workouts, the same stress, and the same locker rooms. You will be spending more time with these people than your own family (not really, but sometimes it feels like it). Over the course of the season you will become incredibly close to these people because of it.

I really do think swimming is more positive than negative. Yes, it is incredibly hard, but you will make such great friends that will last a lifetime. Plus, it is a great way to stay in shape and keep healthy during High school. And other than the occasional shoulder injury it really isn’t that hard on your body.

Helpful Tip: If you are new to competitive swimming you should know this: yes you do have to wear a swim cap, and do NOT show up the first day in a two piece swimming suit. Just trust me, wear a one piece.

Word count: 349

Should Cell Phones be allowed in Classrooms?

How strict should a teacher’s cell phone policy be? Should students be forced to turn off their phones during class? Or should they be allowed, so the student can quickly look something up on the internet? So in case of an emergency their phone is available? Is a student’s cell phone more of a distraction than a helpful tool?

Questions like these, I am sure, have more than just one answer. Personally I think that phones are both distracting and can be helpful in class. Nowadays, most cell phones have the ability to connect to the internet, making it really easy to look something up in class. But it also makes it easier to check Twitter and Instagram. Each teacher has their own opinion and I have been in classes with really strict policies and some without any at all.

Personally, I prefer the teachers who are more relaxed in their policy. I like to keep my phone on my desk, on silent of course, in order to check the time or look something up on the internet really fast. I would be a liar though, if I said I've never texted a friend or checked social media during class. It is a problem that ever teacher and student are going to have to face. Cell phones are a major part of most students’ lives and I don’t think they are going away any time soon. I know they can be a huge distraction to some students, I think that most know when to put them down and pay attention in class. As long as you still learn the material, I don’t see a problem with teachers letting their students have cell phones in the class room.

The time when phones get to be a nuisance, are when they keep going off in class. I understand if it goes off once because you forgot to turn it on silent, but when it goes off more than that, it gets distracting to the whole class. This is where I think the problem lies, it is one thing if one student is distracted by his or her own phone, but when the whole class is distracted it creates a problem.  It is a lot harder to learn when someone is getting a text ever five minutes and their phone keeps making a beeping sound. I think that students should be allowed to have their phones out in class as long as it is not distracting to other students around him or her.

Word Count: 420


Halloween can be a lot of fun in high school, especially when it lands on a Friday like this year. You have the ability to dress up like anything you want and it is perfectly acceptable to eat as much candy as you possibly can; even if it is unacceptable to go trick or treating. The way I see it is you have a few go to options for spending your Halloween night: staying at home and handing out candy, going out with friends, staying in with friends, or going trick or treating.

 Unfortunately this Halloween I was stuck at home to hand out candy to the ten children that showed up at my house and I hope you had one that was more exciting. But one good thing did come out of that, I got to eat as much candy as I wanted (my favorite happens to be sour skittles). Staying home really wasn't that bad (I mean there is always Netflix), but I think it would be more fun to go out and spend Halloween with friends.

There is always someone throwing a Halloween party, and that is another way you could spend the night with your friends. I’m not suggesting the parties that have drugs or alcohol at them especially if you are driving yourself, but you can still have fun and stay safe. If you go with a bunch of your friends then no matter what you will have a great time; especially if you guys have funny or creative costumes. You don’t always have to go with the clichés like a cat or a ghost. But have fun with it, you only get to dress up this silly once a year, so make it count.

The other option is staying in with friends and watching Halloween movies. Whether you dare to watch horror movies or you like to stick with the classics as in Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin, it will be a good time. This is a great option if you and your friends are too tired or too lazy to go out. You still get to hang out together and stay up all night eating candy and enjoying Halloween. If you are into watching horror movies I would suggest Silence of the Lambs. Personally I’m not a big fan but I do actually like this movie. It is creepy without being too scary, and I mean the kind of scary where things pop out at you and make you scream. As for the classics I always go for the Charlie Brown, but another that I really like is the Halloween Town series. They might be old but they are fantastic.

The third option is to go trick-or-treating. But the way I see it is if you are above the age of twelve, it is really creepy to go around and ask strangers for candy. It is just considered socially unacceptable. However, there are ways to get around this. First, you could go with your younger sibling so it looks like your parents are forcing you to go with them, even though you want to be there as much as they do. Secondly, you could go trick-or-treating for UNISEF. People might yell at you for asking for money, but you could score some candy at the more generous houses.

Helpful Tip: If you don’t have a younger sibling to tag along with, try asking your friends. Maybe their younger siblings need more than one chaperone?

Word Count:582 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Staying Heathly in High School

Staying healthy while being in high school can be tough at times but here are some things you can do to keep you on track.

1)      Pack your own lunches. I know that Michelle Obama has tried to make lunches healthier in schools, but I still question their nutrition value. Or even if what I am eating is considered food. Packing your own lunch allows you to be able to control your own food. Pack some fruit and a sandwich and you are good to go.

2)      Join a sports team. It can be something as simple a bowling, but anything that will get you up and moving is good. We are usually stuck sitting all day at school then all night doing homework, so any bit of exercise you can fit in will be beneficial.

3)      Bring a water bottle with you to school. Instead of carrying around soda or coffee try bringing just plain old water. It will keep you hydrated throughout the day and will have way less sugar.

4)      Try to eat healthier snacks when you come home from school. Instead of grabbing the chips try going for fruit or a cheese stick. The same goes for any snack you bring to school with you. Usually the healthy snacks will give you more energy than the junk food anyways.

5)      Try not to stress too much. It is really unhealthy if you are constantly stressed out, so try to take time to calm down because chances are that you are probably overreacting.

Helpful Tip: The healthier you are the happier and better you will feel. I don’t really understand why but it works.

Word Count: 277

The Role of Social Media

Social Media is playing a huge role in the daily life of us high school students. And it is not going away anytime soon. There is always a new site or app for us to post our thoughts and pictures on. We are always trying to connect to people and share with them who we are and what we are doing at this particular moment. Whether we are posting a new selfie on instagram or a status update on twitter, if we aren’t on the site we are thinking of what we will do next.

 Many of the conversations we have with one another start off by someone saying “did you read this on twitter?” or “did you see that on instagram?” We don’t realize it now but most of our social life revolves around social media. Here is a test, next time when you are with your friends try not to bring up twitter, instagram, vine, or facebook. I think it’s going to be harder than you thought. Or try doing a day without looking at those sights. Can you do it? I even find myself checking the social media sights instinctively without even thinking about it. We don’t realize how much time and emphasis we put on these sites. I am not saying they are bad, I am just pointing out the fact that we obsess over these things without even realizing it.

We are able to connect with people all over the world using these social media websites. You can become close friends with someone that you haven’t even met before. This is why our generation is more connected than any before it. I mean think about it, the computer didn’t become popular in everyday households until the 1980’s. That means we are some of the first people, ever, to have them around since we were young. We have integrated social media into our lives so much that we don’t even realize that there have been countless generations before us who got on just fine without it. If you say that you are good friends with someone who lives across the country and have never met in person most people today wouldn’t question you. But if you said that, merely 15 years ago, you would probably get some strange looks. I mean I have even heard of people getting engages over the internet without actually meeting.

Helpful Tip: The internet can be both exciting and dangerous. Be careful who you talk to, you don’t want to end up on the next season of Catfish.

Word Count: 427

Surviving AP Human Geography

AP Human Geography was the first advanced placement class I had ever taken. I chose to take it freshman year because I wanted to get a feel of what AP classes were like and how they worked. I will admit it was a shock at first, but eventually I got used to it. I took the class two years ago but I still use what I learned in that class today in my current AP classes. Overall I think it was a great introductory course and it prepared me for what was to come.

The first thing I had to learn was to read with a purpose. Before, I thought I could just read the textbook and, if I understood it, be able to pass quizzes and tests. But, this class taught me that it takes a lot more than that. You have to pay attention to the details and try to remember the specifics as well as the overall concepts. This was a hard lesson because that meant the time it took me to read a chapter more than doubled and I had to spend hours every night reading. But, today I can read with a purpose in the same amount of time it takes to just read the textbook. It is a very important skill to have and it will make your other AP classes a lot easier if you have it.

The next thing I learned was I had to take advantage of every handout or study opportunity available. This meant every worksheet was filled out in complete detail and every class I took notes over what we cover. Yes, it took longer but at least I was prepared for those pop quizzes my teacher would throw at us. This also meant that once it got closer to taking the AP exam, I spent every lunch in her room studying with friends. So maybe sometimes it was more talking than studying but we still did review sometimes. But, my point is that learning how to take AP classes is hard and it takes up a lot of your time at first. But, later you will know how and be able to do things more efficiently and in less time.

The third thing AP Human Geography taught me is that nothing is as complicated as it seems at first. If you look at other materials, ask your teachers for help, or just reread the section in your book you can understand it. It might take some time, but it will make sense eventually. But you do need to put in the effort to understand the complicated concepts because that is probably what you will be tested over. Those will be the things that separate the people who will excel in the class from the people who might fail.

Helpful Tip: You need to stay up on your work. The teacher is not going to stop giving out homework each night, so the more you get behind the worse it is going to be to get caught back up. I know most people will recommend sleep over studying but, if you can, finish your homework. You won’t regret it later.

Word Count: 531

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Taking the PSATs

The main point of the PSATS is to try for the national merit scholarship program. I don’t think colleges will pay too much attention you your score on these, they will probably focus more on the ACTs and the SATs. So my point is there is no need to stress too much. It gets you out of school and gives you a chance to earn a lot of money for college. A win, win situation.

So what does the PSATs test you on? There are two math sections, two reading sections, and a writing section. Overall I think the test is easier than the ACT and I have heard from friends that it was easier than the SAT as well. The vocabulary, however, seemed particularly more advanced than the rest of the test, so if you study, I recommend focusing on that. In the writing section they will mostly test you on grammar and punctuation.  Math is a lot of algebra and geometry, and reading is mostly comprehension.

What should you bring to the PSATs? You won’t need much just your ID, pencils, and a calculator. You will only get short breaks in between tests so there is not reason to bring anything else.

How much should you study? Of course I recommend studying the packet they give you if you have the time. I wish I would have studied a little more than I did, especially vocabulary and grammar, but it is not completely necessary. Most of the test is over things that I have learned a long time ago. I didn’t study at all and I survived. There is no reason to stress over this or stay up way too studying. You will probably do just fine.

What are your chances of getting the scholarship? Well, the top three to five percent of the people in your state will get the scholarship. If you do well in normal standardized testing then I think you should give the PSATs a shot. However it is going to be highly selective and difficult to achieve. But, it would be worth the twenty bucks if you do get the national merit scholarship.

How long do the PSATs take? I was instructed to be at my testing facility by 7:45 and I was done by 11:00. So compared to the ACTs it is actually pretty short. It will get you out of your morning classes with some time left for lunch.

Word Count: 408

Your guide to Note Taking

Note taking is an important tool to surviving high school. Even if you don’t think you need to take them right now, you will sooner or later. Contrary to what most people think, I believe that you don’t need to go back and reread your notes if you don’t need to. Simply the act of writing down the information will make it easier to recall it later. Do not ask me why or how but trust me, it works. The most important thing to remember, however, is that everybody learns differently. So not everybody’s notes are going to be the same or written in the same style. But it is important to note that there are different styles to choose from.

Finding and using the style that works best for you is the only way you will benefit at all from writing things down. If the notes don’t make sense, then you won’t be able to use them. Even if your teacher has an assigned method, I recommend taking your own notes first then transferring it over. It can be more work but it will be worth it.

There are many different styles of note taking and I don’t think one is particularly better than the other. Some like to create webs in which the central topic is in the center of the page and supporting details/ ideas surround it. I know people who love using this method because they think it organizes things better for them. For me, I can never get the spacing right and my webs end up looking like a big mess. But I think it is great if this method work for you.

My style of note taking is mostly just bullet points. But when o have enough time, I do like to color code my notes: one color for topic headings, one for vocabulary words, and one for extra important information. I have no idea why, but it helps me to be able to recall information more efficiently.

Try not to write down things you see word for word. Try to make sure you understand it and, if you can, rewrite the information in your own words. Understanding the concept now will be a lot easier than trying to later when reviewing your notes.

Helpful Tip:  Keeping your notes organized is a must. Trying to decipher your own notes when trying to study does not work, believe me.

Word Count 404

Surviving AP European History

AP European History was one of the harder AP classes that I have taken. Probably because I am more of a math and science kind of person, but I did learn some tips for surviving the class.

1)      Take thorough notes. I found out that things that seem unimportant can actually turn up on quizzes and tests. So, make sure you pay attention to details and ask you teacher what you need to know.  

2)      There are a lot of people you are going to keep track of, and some of them even have the same name. So, come up with a system that will help you remember their stories. For me I wrote out all of the important details of that person’s life and a friend of mine drew comic strips of the events. Whatever will help you to understand the complex relationships between important people in history.

3)      Similar to people, there are a lot of complicated events that you will have to know and be able to analyze. You are going to need to know: who was involved and what they did, what effect did this have on the society, and the impact that it would have on the future. You are also going to need a system that will help you keep track of all the events along with the people.

4)       Trust your instincts. On tests some of the questions will be tricky, but you just have to go with your gut. Usually the question is not as tricky as you think.

5)      If your textbook is anything like mine, it is SUPER hard to understand. So, I recommend going online and listening to other teachers lecture. If you just go to youtube and type in the subject you need, there will be many videos you can choose from. My recommendations would be the lectures from John Green‘s crash course videos and a teacher named Tom Richey. (I will link to both of their channels at the end of this post.) The good thing about watching lectures online is you can watch them over and over until you can fully understand the concept.

6)      You are going to need to stay on top of your work. There is a lot of things to learn in not a lot of time to do so. Chances are that your class is going to be pretty fast paced, so it will not be good if you get behind.


John Green’s Crash Course:

Word Count 410

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Teachers Giving Lectures Online - A Review

Throughout my years in high school I have had a few teachers record lectures and put them online, then give us homework of watching them. I have a feeling that in the future more teachers will also move towards this opposite teaching style. I have heard from my classmates both ways: some like it, some hate it. Personally, I am not a fan of this style of teaching but, like everything there are some benefits.

First off, I think we all know that I am a master procrastinator and easily get distracted while trying to do my homework. So giving twenty to thirty minute lectures as homework, is probably not the smartest idea. I cannot tell you the number of times I have fallen asleep within the first five minutes of turning the video on. I would rather get a worksheet that is easy enough to work through.

Also, with these videos I usually have to watch the video or certain sections of it two or three times to understand it. This just adds on to the time it takes to get through it. I think it would be easier to have the teacher lecture in class so that I could ask questions if I needed to. And usually with more time in class teachers will explain concepts more clearly and make it way easier to understand. I know I am just supposed to ask questions in class the next day, but we all know that I am just too lazy for that.

I do like, however, the fact that we get more practice in class. Especially if it is a math class I think it is beneficial to use the class to practice the concepts. Then you can get help with the complicated problems instead of spending extra time at night trying to figure it out. Because let’s face it, you probably won’t figure it out and have to ask about it the next day in class anyway.

I don’t know if one teaching style is particularly better than another, but I am not a fan of this particular one.

Word Count: 351

How to Surive AP Biology

Last year I was in two AP classes, AP biology and AP European history. Many of my classmates say that AP biology is one of the hardest ones to take. Throughout the year I picked up a few tips that will make it a whole lot easier and less stressful.

First, make sure to read your textbook. I know it may not be the most entertaining material to read but it is not as hard as other textbooks. It won’t take nearly as long as you think and it will give you all the information you need to pass the class. But when you do read, it is okay to skim the chapters you already know about. If you are taking this class I am assuming it is not your first ever science class, which means you already know the basics. Trust me, you do not need to waste even more of your time scrutinizing the chapters that you already know. Focus on the new stuff because that is what you will be tested over and is harder to learn.

Next, if your teacher gives them to you, do the guided readings. It will keep you focused while reading and give you an idea of what the important ideas are of the chapter. Plus, usually they are easy bonus points you could add to the grade book. Then right before the test, look them over because if you filled them out correctly, they will give you all of the answers. Try to fill them out as well as you can while you are reading and ask your teacher for help if you don’t understand something. It is way easier to learn the material as you read or listen to lectures in class rather than the night before an important exam.

Make sure to look at the pictures in the textbook. I mean really look at them not just glancing at it and getting the “gist” of it. This means reading every little word or caption that comes along with it. Pictures are a great tool to help you understand important concepts that could otherwise be very confusing.

If you don’t know everything, it’s okay. I noticed on the AP exam that they mostly tested you on critical thinking rather than recalling information. So, basically just know the main ideas because usually they will give you the information that you have to synthesize. Now, this could be either good or bad depending on who you are. So adjust accordingly.

Helpful hint: Trust yourself. Sometimes the answer is so simple that it seems wrong. Don’t let the easy questions trip you up; usually your instincts are correct.

Word Count: 445

The Key To Multiple Choice Tests

First off that this is not a post that condones not studying for a test. It really is best to actually know the information rather than relying on chances, you will do much better. But in case there is a question that you have absolutely no idea what the answer is here are a few tips that could increase your chances of getting it right.

1)      If you have any instincts to what the right answer might be, go with that one. It might be your subconscious trying to tell you something.  Usually your instincts are right so always go with it.

2)      If it is a complicated question and there is an answer that is especially longer than the others, typically that is the right one. For instance if all of the options are just one word except one that is two sentences, pick the answer that is two sentences.  Unless obviously wrong, it is probably the right answer.

3)      Use other questions on the test to give you clues. Sometimes an answer to one question will give you the answer to another. Or, in one question there will be a statement that gives you the answer to another. This is why you should circle the questions you are unsure about and comeback to them once you have completed the rest of the test. Plus, sometimes all you need is some time to think or reason through the question.

4)      Don’t spend too much time on the questions you don’t know. The last thing you want is to run out of time because you couldn’t figure out the answer to one question. I know its hard but you have to move past it and answer the questions that you do know the answers to. You don’t want to flunk the test because of one stupid question.

5)      We have all heard the trick that C is the most common answer on the test. Well, there has to be come logic to that. So if you are in a situation where you have absolutely no idea so it really doesn’t matter what option you pick, I would go with C. I mean there has to be some truth to that statistic right?

Helpful tip: If you can’t recall the information right away. Give it a minute, sometimes even the most random bits of knowledge can come back to you. Or sometimes you can even reason through it to find an answer that may not be 100% correct but it might be close.

Word Count: 422

Sunday, October 5, 2014

How to Walk In the Hallway

The fact that I even have to write this is really annoying. As an upperclassman I am here to tell you what is and isn’t okay when walking through the hallway on between classes. As much as I hate to say this, I am not making this up. I am saying this from my own personal experiences. I know that not everyone out there does things like what I am about to tell you, but still pay attention. Not to generalize a class, but usually it is freshmen who are the culprits of these dumb acts.

1)      I am all for socializing and talking with your friends in between classes. I think it’s fine, especially when that is the only time you get to see them. But, what is not okay is taking up the entire hallway with your little gang of friends. I cannot tell you the amount of times I have had to shove my way through a clump of freshman to get to class. I don’t care if you think it’s rude of me, its rude of you to completely take up a busy hallway just to talk with your friends.

2)      When walking to class, please keep walking. If you are in a stream of people walking through the hallway, do not just suddenly stop right it front of me. I will shove you out of the way because I really don’t care if you see your friend on the other side of the foyer and just have to say hi to them. If you want to talk to them, get out of the line so the rest of us can pass by without running into you.

3)      Another thing when walking to class, try to pay attention to where your class is. Many times I have been walking to class in a busy hallway and the person in front of me not only stops abruptly but, turns around and starts walking in the other direction to get the classroom that we just passed. I mean seriously, what do you expect me to do, there is probably fifty people behind me and we all have to stop and probably run into each other because you couldn’t pay attention enough to know where your own classroom is.

I am sorry if this post sounded like a rant but I am tired of running into people when trying to get to class. When our hallways are this crowded, you can’t just do whatever you want and block people. You will probably get run over by an upperclassman like me.

Word Count: 431

What To Keep In Your Locker

I don’t know about you, but I don’t really use my locker that much. My school is so big that I hardly have time to go to it in between classes. But, I know that other people do use their locker more than I do. So, if I actually used my locker here is what I would keep in it:

1)      Heavy textbooks. I know most classes will either have an online version or a copy of the textbook that you can keep at home. But, there is always one or two classes that require you to carry your book around with you. This is when the locker would come in handy, just keep it in there until you need it that day , so that you don’t have to carry it around with you.

2)      My binders for classes that are after lunch. At my school, we have four classes before lunch, and two after. I would keep all of my materials that are required for those last two classes in my locker during the morning and switch them out during lunch break. This way you are not carrying around extra weight that you don’t need to be.

3)      Pictures of my friends. I probably wouldn’t go all out with wallpaper or one of those stick on chandeliers, but I do think it would be fun to keep pictures of your friends in there with fun magnets.

4)      An extra change of clothes. This is in case you spill something on yourself at lunch. You can just change your clothes in the bathroom so you don’t have to walk around the rest of the day with food all over yourself. Trust me, this can be a lifesaver. Also, if for some reason your school decided to be really cold that day, you will always have a sweatshirt you can put on.

5)      Extra pencils and pens. Okay, I don’t know if this is just me but, I tend to lose my pencils. I don’t know how, but they just tend to disappear on me. So keeping extras in your locker would be helpful. This way you are not that annoying person who always has to ask for a pencil every single day.

6)      Winter coats. Where I live, our winters can be brutally cold. I have to wear big puffy coats to school so I don’t freeze to death walking in and out of school every day. I really don’t want to carry this around with me, so I keep it in my locker.

7)      Hair ties. I have long hair, and sometimes it can get quite annoying. Right now I usually have to keep them on my wrist, but sometimes they can be too tight and really annoying during class. But, if I were to use my locker I would definitely keep some extras in there.

8)      An extra phone charger. I don’t know if your teachers will allow you to charge your phone in their classroom, but if they do I would recommend keeping an extra charger in your locker. Because I know, that sometimes it is easy to forget to charge your phone at night and you don’t want it dying on you in the middle of the day.

Helpful Tip: I would also keep gum or mints in my locker to freshen my breath after lunch.

Word Count: 561

Spirit Days!

You know what they are, every school has them, it’s a day where students dress in the craziest outfits they can possibly find. Spirit Days like homecoming or prom, is another one of those occasions unique to high school. Some choose to go all out, by completely covering their entire body with your school color, others choose not to participate at all. Then there are other types of spirit days, where you just wear things of a certain given topic. For example on America day, you might wear a bandanna or a shirt with a giant American flag on it.

Homecoming week is a whole five days dedicated to spirit days. The topics can range from simply wearing your school colors, to having to dress up like superheroes. I don’t know about you, but I usually don’t personally participate in these (probably because I am just too lazy), but I do enjoy seeing the different outfits people put together. It makes class a little more interesting when you have Captain America sitting in front of you. I try to wear one of my many school t-shirts though on spirit days that just require school apparel.

If you are going to go all out, I highly suggest doing it with all of your friends. That way if you dress up, you will have great pictures to show. I mean how often do you get to dress up like Disney Princesses with all of your friends? Or like your favorite TV show characters? Or wear your pajamas to school? Probably not as often as you would like. But, don’t feel bad if you choose not to participate because I am right there with you. I prefer watching the craziness rather than joining in on it.

I think spirit days are fun and a great way to make your day just a little more interesting. In a strange way, it sort of unites the school. As its name implies, it really does lift school spirit and gives the student body a sense of pride. We all want to think our school is the best, and spirit days accentuate that. It can bring out school pride in even the most pessimistic person.

Helpful Tip: If you really want to make an impact with your costume, I suggest going all out. Make sure that nearly every inch of your body is covered with the spirit day subject. It needs to be like you re dressing up to go trick or treating on Halloween when you were five years old.

Word Count: 424

Sunday, September 28, 2014

What to Keep In Your Backpack

Your backpack is a place to store supplies you will need for classes. I know that at times a lot more stuff ends up in there that isn't needed. But I am here to share with you the bare minimum supplies that you will need throughout your day. Not only do you need things required by teachers, such as pencils and paper, but you also need things to help you mentally get through the day. These things include, gum, snacks, and even ibuprofen for those extra stressful days.
The most essential things to keep in your backpack are the normal school supplies such as pens, pencils, paper, calculator, and whatever else you may need. I also like to keep either a binder or a folder for each of my classes to keep everything in one spot, and it stays somewhat organized that way. Along with all of the basics I highly recommend getting a daily planner that you can write everything down in. Even if you can keep track of things in your head it will prevent you from forgetting when a test is or what homework is due. I know most schools will give one to you for free, but for some reason my school didn't this year. So, I just went to my local Walmart and bought the cheapest one I could find. It was well worth the hassle too because I could never keep track of everything I have to do on my own.
Now for the fun stuff. Everybody needs to carry around with them gum or a mint of any kind. This comes especially in handy after lunch because you do not want your breath smelling like school food. Plus, the stuff is practically currency. If you take out a pack of in class I guarantee there will be at least two other people who ask you for a peace. The next thing is a snack. Even if you are not hungry, eating can be a great distraction from an otherwise boring class. It is also a way to keep you awake if you keep falling asleep in class. When packing a snack try to stay away from anything to crunchy and away from noisy packaging. You don’t want the teacher calling you out on it because then you won’t get to eat it! Last, but not least, ibuprofen. I know you aren't supposed to bring this to school, but if you just keep some in your backpack discretely no one is going to say anything. This is a lifesaver when you get a pounding headache in class.

Helpful Tip: Try to keep your backpack free from trash, I know it can be hard, but it will make finding your things much easier!

Word Count: 458