Sunday, December 14, 2014


I am going to write this post assuming that everyone knows what YouTube is. But, in case you have been living under a rock for you entire life here is the link: I am going to talk about the benefits and distractions of this website for high school students nowadays.

First, I would like to say that YouTube has really good academic advantages to it. If you are having trouble with a particular concept in school this website will probably have multiple different teachers lecturing about it that can really help you understand it.  I talked about how this helped me in my AP European History class in an earlier blog post. But there are many different teachers out there who post their lectures on this sight that can really help you out because each one explains something a little differently. This sight has been a huge lifesaver and I give it credit for me passing many tests.

Now to the fun stuff. YouTube has always been big in the music scene by having nearly every song you can think of has been uploaded to this sight. So if you are wanting to watch a new music video or look up the lyrics to your favorite songs than you can find them on this site. There are even playlists that you can listen to that other people have put together.

YouTube can actually be a job and people can become famous for making videos on this sight. Some of my favorites that I recommend you checking out are as follows:

1)      Bethany Mota:

Beth talks about hair, makeup, outfit ideas, and other girly stuff. She gives you great beauty tips and has a really fun personality that is fun to watch. Recently she was on DWTS (Dancing With the Stars), so she hasn’t been uploading videos as muchas she used to be, but hopefully she will start again soon.

This is a SUPER hilarious channel that she uploads to twice a week. She likes to make fun of people, including her family, in a way that isn’t mean but is really funny.

3)      Casper Lee:

This is another comedic channel, that usually consists of funny skits that Casper and his friends perform

Word count:378

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