Sunday, January 11, 2015

Choosing a Foreign Language

First of all, even if taking a foreign language class is not required for graduation everyone should still take one. This is because most colleges do require you to take either two or four years of the same language. It is easier to take these classes in high school rather than paying thousands of dollars to take them in college. Secondly, choosing which languages you wish to study make sure it is one you are interested in and not going to get bored with. You are probably going to take this class all four years of your high school career and you do not want to suffer through it.

If your school is like mine, then there are a lot of languages you can choose from. The most common one will probably be either Spanish or French. This is probably because these languages, like English, are Latin based so they are going to be the most similar to English. However, some schools offer other languages such as Chinese or Russian. These are going to be further away from English and probably not as many people are going to take it.

I don’t think one particular language has an advantage over the other when it comes to looking good on college applications. I just think as long as you have at least two to four years of the same language and decent grades in them then you will be okay. Currently I am taking my third year of Chinese and I don’t think it is particularly difficult. The only thing is that sometimes two completely different words can sound almost exactly the same and it can be difficult to tell which one is which.  But, I kind of like how Chinese is so different from English because it is different and at least I am not bored with the class.

Helpful tip: Don’t be afraid to try a language that is considered to be hard to learn.

Word count: 326

1 comment:

  1. I took two years of Chinese and it was one of my favorite classes. Learning a foreign language can also help people become more culturally diverse, which is a great skill to have later on in life. Plus Chinese isn't that hard of a language to learn.
