Sunday, January 25, 2015

Studying For Retakes

We have all been there before. When you get a test back and it is a lot worse than what you think you did.  You know you can do a lot better if you get the chance to retake it. For those with enough fortune to have generous teachers that give you the chance to retake tests, here are some helpful study tips for you:

1)      Look at your first attempt. And by look at it I mean actually try to learn something for it. Redo every single question that you got wrong and make sure that you understand your mistake because if you don’t, then you will probably make the same mistake on the retake. I know this can be painful because you want to forget this test even happened, but suck it up and just do it. Trust me; it will be better in the long run. By doing this you will also get a good idea of what the retake will be over and what you need to focus on when studying.

2)      Redo some of your homework assignments. If you got a certain type of question wrong then look for similar ones on past homework assignments and redo them. If you can’t find any go to the internet or ask your teacher. It’s like they say “practice makes perfect”. I know it is not the most fun thing in the world, but it makes you prepared for similar questions on the retake.

3)      Actually study this time. Retakes are rare and they can really improve your grade. Do not take it for granted and actually make sure you are prepared this time for it. It is known that retakes can actually be harder than the first attempt, so you need to be ready for anything. Don’t take this lightly because the last thing you want is to do worse than the first time.

4)      Get help from your teacher. See if you can come in during lunch or before/ after school to get help because they are the ones who write the test so they will be able to answer any questions that you may have. Plus, if you are really lucky they might accidently give you hints as to what is on the test.

5)      Make sure you understand the grading. Some teachers will take the average of the two tests while others will completely replace your grade.  Either way it is worth the time and the effort to retake it. Well, I guess it all depends on our own definition of terrible.

Helpful Hint: If a teacher is offering retakes to you and you did bad on a test, TAKE IT. Trust me, not every teacher is that nice and it is a huge luxury that you shouldn’t take for granted. This could save your grade if you are struggling in a class, and it is over stuff that you have already learned. 

Word Count: 492

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