Sunday, September 28, 2014

What to Keep In Your Backpack

Your backpack is a place to store supplies you will need for classes. I know that at times a lot more stuff ends up in there that isn't needed. But I am here to share with you the bare minimum supplies that you will need throughout your day. Not only do you need things required by teachers, such as pencils and paper, but you also need things to help you mentally get through the day. These things include, gum, snacks, and even ibuprofen for those extra stressful days.
The most essential things to keep in your backpack are the normal school supplies such as pens, pencils, paper, calculator, and whatever else you may need. I also like to keep either a binder or a folder for each of my classes to keep everything in one spot, and it stays somewhat organized that way. Along with all of the basics I highly recommend getting a daily planner that you can write everything down in. Even if you can keep track of things in your head it will prevent you from forgetting when a test is or what homework is due. I know most schools will give one to you for free, but for some reason my school didn't this year. So, I just went to my local Walmart and bought the cheapest one I could find. It was well worth the hassle too because I could never keep track of everything I have to do on my own.
Now for the fun stuff. Everybody needs to carry around with them gum or a mint of any kind. This comes especially in handy after lunch because you do not want your breath smelling like school food. Plus, the stuff is practically currency. If you take out a pack of in class I guarantee there will be at least two other people who ask you for a peace. The next thing is a snack. Even if you are not hungry, eating can be a great distraction from an otherwise boring class. It is also a way to keep you awake if you keep falling asleep in class. When packing a snack try to stay away from anything to crunchy and away from noisy packaging. You don’t want the teacher calling you out on it because then you won’t get to eat it! Last, but not least, ibuprofen. I know you aren't supposed to bring this to school, but if you just keep some in your backpack discretely no one is going to say anything. This is a lifesaver when you get a pounding headache in class.

Helpful Tip: Try to keep your backpack free from trash, I know it can be hard, but it will make finding your things much easier!

Word Count: 458

Some Study Tips...

As you could probably tell, I put an emphasis on keeping my grades up. So, you could say I have come across some tips that helped me along the way.

1) Its okay to take frequent breaks. If you focus for too long, your brain stops retaining the information you are trying to learn. But don't get too distracted during these breaks. I suggest stopping for just long enough for a quick snack.

2) Do the busy work first. Get the easy stuff out of the way first because when you are tired and exhausted after completing the difficult assignments, you are not going to want to do busy work. So, it might be me wanting to procrastinate but doing the easy stuff first, will make finishing your work feel a lot better.

3) Try to learn as much as you can during class, or while doing homework. It will make taking the test a lot less stressful of you don't have to learn all of the material the night before. Plus, if you forget to study, you’re still covered.

4) Write the important things down, even if you think you will remember them. If you write it down it will stick in your mind better and make it easier to recall the information later. Taking notes could increase the time it takes to complete your homework, but it will make a difference in the long run.

5) Just get it done. I know it can be very hard at times to find the motivation to do homework or study, but if you want to get good grades, you've just got to do it. So, at the end of the day turn off your TV, play some music and actually get your homework done.

Helpful Tip: Food always makes studying better. I suggest small things that aren't messy such as fruit snacks or chips. However, I do recommend keeping it on the healthier end, especially if you are like me and have a lot of studying to do.

Word Count: 338 

Friday, September 26, 2014

The Difference Between AP and Regular Classes

When signing up for classes try to consider taking an AP class. I know they are a little more challenging and time consuming than a regular course, but they will help you in the long run. Most people find it scary at first because they go at such a faster pace than regular classes do, but trust me, you get used to it. It really is not that bad as long as you keep up with the reading and actually do what your teacher assigns for homework.
The nice thing about AP courses is that, most of the time, they are weighted on your GPA. So, if you end up with a C in the class, it really is a B. This really helps your GPA because it allows you to even get above a 4.0. Which, by the way, looks really impressive to colleges.
Another reason to take an AP course is the potential for college credit. If you are like me and haven't decided on where you want to go to college, then there is no reason not to take at least one. You never know what courses, the college you end up going to will let you pass out of. With each class costing thousands of dollars, I would rather spend eighty on a test and pass out of it. It will help out both yourself, because you will take out less student loans, and lift some financial burden off of your family.
AP courses are also a great way to impress colleges. They are not only looking for good grades, but also motivation and perseverance. Colleges want students who will be driven and work hard, and taking AP classes can show them that. Since you chose to take harder classes, it shows you are not only intelligent, but also not afraid of challenges and self-motivated. Even if you don't like the class, staying in it will show that you are committed and have perseverance.
As for the courses themselves, AP classes are more difficult than regular ones. The homework will take longer and go more in depth, the reading is harder to understand, the pace is faster, and the grading is harsher. Not to scare you off or anything, because these classes are not impossible. It makes it especially easier if you find someone to study with because if the teacher can’t explain something very well, a peer might be able to. Also, if you don't get completely done with your homework from that night most of the time it is not the end of the world. Usually AP classes will have a set date in the future that you have to complete you assignments by, not a day to day schedule. This is nice, especially if you are a busy person.
Helpful Tip: Take AP classes!
Word Count: 471

Sunday, September 21, 2014

It's The Weekend!

I love weekends, because you finally have enough time to do all the things you've wanted to do for the entire week. For instance, this weekend I went to see The Maze Runner in theaters and was able to spend time with my friends all day. Not to mention that this past Saturday was my school's homecoming dance. Considering I also had a big swim meet this, you could say my weekend was pretty busy.

But weekends are for doing whatever you want that will take your mind off of school, at least for a little while. I have this philosophy where I don’t even think about doing homework until Sunday. This may not work for all because that means I spend literally all day on Sunday trying to finish it. It may not be the best, but if I try doing homework on Friday or Saturday as well, it feels like I didn’t even have a weekend. You need time to relax and forget about school for a while.

However, if you have a lot of homework start working on it earlier. Do not stay up until one in the morning trying to finish it. Trust me; it will make your Mondays even worse than they already are if you’re exhausted all day.


Helpful tip: When doing homework it is good to take periodic breaks because it helps clear the mind. But, be careful not to get distracted, I have caught myself many times looking at the clock and realizing I spent over two hours on youtube or on my phone. Try to limit your “study breaks” to no more than 30 minutes.

Quick Review: The Maze Runner, was aMAZEing (see what I did there?). I am usually very opposed to books turned into movies but I thought this was one of the best. It stuck with the plot of the book, yet still kept you entertained. But I still recommend you read the books, they are still better.

Word Count: 330

Test Taking 101

This is generally the time when your teachers start giving out your first big test of the year. I don't know about you but, next week I'm pretty sure I have huge unit tests in three of my classes. Tests can be very stressful at times because you have one shot to take them, and they usually count for a pretty large portion of your grade. But don't worry because I have some guidelines you can follow to make sure you do your best.

1)      Try not to over think the question. If at first the question seems unusually complicated, read it again. Most of the time it is a lot simpler than you would think. Always go with the simple answer that you can clearly defend rather than the more complicated one that sounds fancier.

2)      Use the review sheets the teacher gives you. This will be key because looking back at all of material you have learned takes a lot more time than learning what’s on the review sheet. Plus, most likely the teacher will put exactly what you need to know for the test on it. Although, I have had some sneaky teachers in the past put questions on the test that had nothing to do with what was reviewed, so watch out for that.

3)      Don’t stress out over this. It is one test. It’s not going to ruin your life if you do less than perfect on it. Plus, being overly stressed can lead to stupid mistakes that will bring your grade down even lower. So, stay calm and try to think through each problem and do your best.

4)      If you have absolutely no idea what the answer is, just guess. Never leave anything blank because there is always a chance you could get it right. If all else fails, choose either C or the answer with the most words and explanation. Those typically are the right answers.

5)      It is okay to be the last one in the class still taking the test. It is better to go slow and double check your work for stupid mistakes rather than rushing through it and creating more of them.

6)      I know most people would say not to stay up late the night before studying, but I would disagree. If you are behind in a class, I would recommend taking all the time you need to study the review sheets or get caught up in the class. You will end up knowing more than if you call it quits and go to bed. But, do make sure you still get at least some sleep that night. The next morning, however, make sure to grab some coffee to keep you awake so you don’t fall asleep when taking the test.

So, there you go, tips for how not to fail a test. Tests and school can be hard at times but you got to do what you got to do to get the grades you deserve.

Word count: 500

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The ABC's of the ACT's

This past Saturday I took the ACT’s at a local college in my town. My experience is probably not that extraordinary, but I did learn valuable lessons that are valuable to people taking the tests for the first time. Now, I did not study at all for the tests (unless you are my parents or teachers, in which case I studied for hours). I wanted to get a feel of the tests and an initial score to know where exactly I am at. But, for people who are taking it only once or their next one is the last one I would recommend studying. Anyway, here are tips I learned to help you through your standardized tests:

  1. Eat a good breakfast. I know you hear this from your teachers or parents all the time, but it is true. Trust me, it is embarrassing if your stomach is growling and you’re stuck in a quiet classroom for five hours.
  2. Bring a lot of snacks. In between the math and reading tests you will have time to eat anything that you brought. This was a lifesaver!
  3. Bring your cell phone with you! I know everywhere you look it says not to, but bring it. I left mine at home, so when testing got done 45 minutes ahead of schedule I was not happy. I had to wait on campus until my ride came to take me home. Not fun. However, make sure to turn your phone off and put it in your bag because they will kick you out.
  4.  There is no need to show up 30 minutes before the exam begins. I got there way to early and hid in the bathroom for 20 minutes because they were not ready for me yet.
  5. Try to read the passages fairly quickly and with good understanding. I was really surprised, especially on the science portion, how quickly those 35 minutes go by.
  6. Wear comfortable clothing. You need to be comfy if you are going to be sitting in the same spot for five hours. I suggest your most comfy pair of jeans (or sweatpants) and either a baggy T-shirt or sweatshirt.
  7. Don't stress! The test should be over everything that you already know, so just relax because there really isn't any new material you have to memorize. Yes, some of the questions can be complicated but a vast majority of them are easy if you just take time to think about it.
Helpful Tip: Go into that room with confidence. Once you have entered there is no more studying or cramming. So, just be confident in the things you do know because that is all you need to succeed.
Word Count: 453

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Time Management

I don’t know about you, but I have a lot on my plate this year. With AP classes, friend drama, sports, and other extracurricular school activities I know it can be challenging to fit it all into your busy schedule. I know how hard it is to sit down and do hours of homework when all you want to do is go to sleep. My advice? Coffee! Along with a lot of will power.  Take it from someone who has fallen asleep many times on top of her textbook, fitting it all in can be hard.

But you have got to try to stay strong, and do as much as you can to keep up with everything, especially school work. My advice to you is to pay attention in class and try to get as much done at school as you possibly can. Don’t wait until you get home because that is when you are tired and exhausted. For me, that means every study hall I am in the library, and every lunch I am worried about getting homework done that I didn’t get a chance to do last night. For me, I really don’t care if that gives me a social stigma of “nerd” or “quiet”. I am just trying to do my best not to fall behind. Now most people aren’t nearly as busy as I am during swim season, and things should lighten up once it’s over. But for now you can find me in the back of the classroom trying to not fall asleep, finish homework, and pay attention to what the teacher is talking about. All at the same time, I might add.

School can be a very stressful time and its how you deal with the stress that makes a difference with how your school year is going to go. Yes getting good grades is very important, but don’t let the stress of one less than perfect test get to you. If you try your best you will be able to make it up or do better on the next one. But, school is important and good grades are a must. I know it can be hard, but with enough work noting is impossible. If you don’t like school, don’t give up on your grades. My philosophy is this: if I get good enough grades I can go to any college I want. I don’t know about you , but I will not pass up the opportunity to leave everything behind and start a new life, one where I can be myself.

Helpful Tip: If you have a busy night and absolutely cannot finish that last assignment on your desk. Don’t sweat it, more than likely you teacher will understand and either give you an extension or time to do it in class. Just be upfront about it and offer to do anything in order to make up the work.

Word Count: 486

Should You Go To Homecoming?

Can’t decide whether homecoming is worth going to? Well, like I mentioned in my earlier post I would recommend trying something new this year and what better way then going to a school dance? It doesn’t really matter if you're with a date or a group of friends, the fun part is getting all dressed up and going out to have a good time. I know school dances can be VERY cheesy but the best part is having fun with your friends and looking classy while doing it.

Something that you probably didn’t know about me is that I am a competitive swimmer and homecoming is right in the middle of our season. So, when I was a freshman and sophomore I went in a group of mostly upperclassmen swimmers, and had a blast. It was a great opportunity to get to know my teammates better. We only ended up staying at the dance for about an hour but we still had a great time tearing up the dance floor. This year, however, I was asked by one of my good friends to go with him. We are going with other couples in our friend group, ten others to be exact.

For all of the guys reading this I just want to say this, one of the best parts of homecoming is getting asked. The cuter and more extravagant the better! If you are scared she will say no, don’t be. If you ask in a good enough way she will probably say yes, unless she already has a date. Either way I recommend going with a group because it is a lot more fun to get dressed up with friends and have dinner with them. It’s not every day you can get dressed up in your nicest clothes and see everyone else do the same.

Anyway, don’t think of homecoming as a cheesy school dance that only the “cool” or “popular” kids go to. Trust me, I am not a girly girl, or peppy, or have even that much school spirit. But think of homecoming as another excuse to not do homework all weekend and actually have fun with your friends.

Helpful Tip: If you are not in the school dance mood you can still have a fun homecoming night! Gather up your friends and just hang out, you could always use an excuse to do that right? Have a movie night, or a bonfire, whatever your little heart desires.

Word count: 411

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Welcome Back!

For most people, it is that time of year again. The beginning of school is a time for reuniting with long lost friends, checking out your new classes, and figuring out what you want this coming school year to be like.

No matter what classes you are taking, typically, teachers will go easy on the homework to get you acclimated to being back to school. So, this is a time to treasure. Yes, I did just say you should enjoy school. Instead of mourning the loss of summer, celebrate being back and seeing people whom you haven't talked to for the past three months. Plus, you know that in a short couple weeks your teachers will start slamming you with hours of homework. And who knows, maybe you will meet someone special?

I suggest using this rare occurrence of guaranteed free time, to check out any clubs, sports, or any other activity that sounds remotely interesting to you. How do you know if you don't like it until you try it out? Plus, and trust me on this, it is a lot easier and less awkward to join an activity during the beginning of the year than in the middle. At the risk of sounding cliché I have to say this, don't not do something because your friends don't want to do it. I'm not saying to ditch them or anything just make sure you do what you want to do. It is always fun meeting new people and hearing their stories, so don't be afraid to be independent and join things by yourself. I guarantee that people are not as scary as you think, and if you sign up for a new club who knows who you will meet, it could be a lifelong friend.

Anyway, when going to your classes for the first day your teachers will probably talk about either their life story or go over the course syllabus. Even in some unfortunate situations they will talk about both in the same hour you are forced to sit in their classroom. My point is, do not worry about paying too much attention to them. Unless they have cured the common cold or won a Nobel Prize, their life story is going to be more or less the same as everyone else: family, college, past jobs, and their current job. As for the syllabus, you will figure everything out within the first two weeks.

My point is, during these first few days of class try to enjoy yourself. Just sit back, relax, and look forward to having a good school year. Focus on regaining lost relationships with people you haven’t seen all summer, as well as venturing out and trying something new. Just remember this, no matter what you do school has started and there is nothing you can do about it.

Helpful tip: Try to get as much sleep as you can, it will make school more enjoyable when you actually have the energy to get through the day. Plus soon when your teachers start giving out hours of homework you’re going to be regretting missing the opportunity to get more sleep.
Word Count: 525