Sunday, September 28, 2014

What to Keep In Your Backpack

Your backpack is a place to store supplies you will need for classes. I know that at times a lot more stuff ends up in there that isn't needed. But I am here to share with you the bare minimum supplies that you will need throughout your day. Not only do you need things required by teachers, such as pencils and paper, but you also need things to help you mentally get through the day. These things include, gum, snacks, and even ibuprofen for those extra stressful days.
The most essential things to keep in your backpack are the normal school supplies such as pens, pencils, paper, calculator, and whatever else you may need. I also like to keep either a binder or a folder for each of my classes to keep everything in one spot, and it stays somewhat organized that way. Along with all of the basics I highly recommend getting a daily planner that you can write everything down in. Even if you can keep track of things in your head it will prevent you from forgetting when a test is or what homework is due. I know most schools will give one to you for free, but for some reason my school didn't this year. So, I just went to my local Walmart and bought the cheapest one I could find. It was well worth the hassle too because I could never keep track of everything I have to do on my own.
Now for the fun stuff. Everybody needs to carry around with them gum or a mint of any kind. This comes especially in handy after lunch because you do not want your breath smelling like school food. Plus, the stuff is practically currency. If you take out a pack of in class I guarantee there will be at least two other people who ask you for a peace. The next thing is a snack. Even if you are not hungry, eating can be a great distraction from an otherwise boring class. It is also a way to keep you awake if you keep falling asleep in class. When packing a snack try to stay away from anything to crunchy and away from noisy packaging. You don’t want the teacher calling you out on it because then you won’t get to eat it! Last, but not least, ibuprofen. I know you aren't supposed to bring this to school, but if you just keep some in your backpack discretely no one is going to say anything. This is a lifesaver when you get a pounding headache in class.

Helpful Tip: Try to keep your backpack free from trash, I know it can be hard, but it will make finding your things much easier!

Word Count: 458

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