Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Welcome Back!

For most people, it is that time of year again. The beginning of school is a time for reuniting with long lost friends, checking out your new classes, and figuring out what you want this coming school year to be like.

No matter what classes you are taking, typically, teachers will go easy on the homework to get you acclimated to being back to school. So, this is a time to treasure. Yes, I did just say you should enjoy school. Instead of mourning the loss of summer, celebrate being back and seeing people whom you haven't talked to for the past three months. Plus, you know that in a short couple weeks your teachers will start slamming you with hours of homework. And who knows, maybe you will meet someone special?

I suggest using this rare occurrence of guaranteed free time, to check out any clubs, sports, or any other activity that sounds remotely interesting to you. How do you know if you don't like it until you try it out? Plus, and trust me on this, it is a lot easier and less awkward to join an activity during the beginning of the year than in the middle. At the risk of sounding cliché I have to say this, don't not do something because your friends don't want to do it. I'm not saying to ditch them or anything just make sure you do what you want to do. It is always fun meeting new people and hearing their stories, so don't be afraid to be independent and join things by yourself. I guarantee that people are not as scary as you think, and if you sign up for a new club who knows who you will meet, it could be a lifelong friend.

Anyway, when going to your classes for the first day your teachers will probably talk about either their life story or go over the course syllabus. Even in some unfortunate situations they will talk about both in the same hour you are forced to sit in their classroom. My point is, do not worry about paying too much attention to them. Unless they have cured the common cold or won a Nobel Prize, their life story is going to be more or less the same as everyone else: family, college, past jobs, and their current job. As for the syllabus, you will figure everything out within the first two weeks.

My point is, during these first few days of class try to enjoy yourself. Just sit back, relax, and look forward to having a good school year. Focus on regaining lost relationships with people you haven’t seen all summer, as well as venturing out and trying something new. Just remember this, no matter what you do school has started and there is nothing you can do about it.

Helpful tip: Try to get as much sleep as you can, it will make school more enjoyable when you actually have the energy to get through the day. Plus soon when your teachers start giving out hours of homework you’re going to be regretting missing the opportunity to get more sleep.
Word Count: 525

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