Sunday, December 14, 2014

Trivia Crack

The app called Trivia Crack is the new latest craze to hit the high school scene. The game gives you trivia questions and you try to get “crowns” in each category. The first person to get all six “crowns” wins the game. The six categories are science, geography, sports, art, and entertainment.  This game directly connects you to your friends so that you can play against one another.

The game has literally taken over the lives of almost everyone around me, including myself, and if you see anyone on their phones you can assume they are playing trivia crack. Even my family has gotten in on this craze; there have been very intense battles between my dad and I to see who wins.  

Anyway, trivia crack is a great game because it tests your knowledge and you can learn something new from it. I like it better than other games that have been popular in the past because you can get something out of it rather than just figuring out how to put three of the same colored candies in a row. However, it can be very distracting especially in class because you think it won’t take very long to play. I also like this game because you directly play against your friends rather than just yourself or against complete strangers. This keeps the game exciting because it appeals to your competitive side.

In the app there is an option to challenge your opponent. This gives you a chance to steal one of their “crowns”, but you have to risk losing one of your own. This is a great feature it means if you are really far behind your opponent then you have a chance to catch up. However if you lose, you get even further behind.  These can get really competitive, especially if you send one every round. There have been multiple instances where I have been about to win the game, but lost because of all the challenges my opponent has sent me (Which was really annoying!). Anyway, this game is really fun to play with your friends and won’t fry your brain like other games can.

Another reason I like this app is because due to the different categories everyone has a chance and is good at least one of them. For me, it is science that I am really good at, but for some of my friends it is sports or art. It really just depends on what you are interested in and what you like to do.

Helpful hint: Don’t challenge someone until you get a few of the characters, that way if you lose you will still have some left.

Word count: 446

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