Sunday, December 21, 2014


So my school has started this new program called SMART Lunch.  Basically it is an extended lunch hour in which students can go talk to their teachers and get help on things if they need it. Currently, we have an eighty minute period in the day dedicated for students to work on homework or go get help from teachers.

I really like this idea because if you are struggling in a class it gives you opportunities to go in for extra help. This is so much better than having to go in before or after school because, when you ride the bus that was nearly impossible. Another thing I like about SMART lunch is that upperclassman can leave and go off campus. So in the middle of the day you could go home and eat lunch and do homework there if you wanted too. Eighty minutes is also enough time to go out to eat or grab something quick at a fast food restaurant. If you forget to do some of your homework for your afternoon classes than you can quickly finish that up during lunch. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to do that. SMART lunch is a great break from the stresses of the school day and it is nice to get away so the day is not too overwhelming.

However, this new freedom will be taken advantage of by some kids. For instance some kids will leave for SMART lunch and just not come back to school for their afternoon classes. Or some students might not use the time for studying (if you know what I mean). But that is to be expected from a bunch of high school students. I just hope these few students don't ruin it for the rest of us who actually appreciate the new time off. The other problem with SMART lunch is that it is easy to get distracted and do other things with friends rather than doing the work that needs to get done. But that’s not something the school can control and regulate, so they can’t do anything to change that. Right now it is a requirement that if you have a D or an F in a class you are not allowed to leave and required to attend tutorials in those classes. The problem with this is the school won’t punish you if you don’t go to the required tutorials and it is hard to regulate all 2000 kids at my school.  So it wouldn’t be too hard to leave even if you aren’t supposed to.

Overall I think that SMART lunch is a really good addition to our day and should improve our school’s academic performance.

Word count: 453


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