Sunday, October 26, 2014

Staying Heathly in High School

Staying healthy while being in high school can be tough at times but here are some things you can do to keep you on track.

1)      Pack your own lunches. I know that Michelle Obama has tried to make lunches healthier in schools, but I still question their nutrition value. Or even if what I am eating is considered food. Packing your own lunch allows you to be able to control your own food. Pack some fruit and a sandwich and you are good to go.

2)      Join a sports team. It can be something as simple a bowling, but anything that will get you up and moving is good. We are usually stuck sitting all day at school then all night doing homework, so any bit of exercise you can fit in will be beneficial.

3)      Bring a water bottle with you to school. Instead of carrying around soda or coffee try bringing just plain old water. It will keep you hydrated throughout the day and will have way less sugar.

4)      Try to eat healthier snacks when you come home from school. Instead of grabbing the chips try going for fruit or a cheese stick. The same goes for any snack you bring to school with you. Usually the healthy snacks will give you more energy than the junk food anyways.

5)      Try not to stress too much. It is really unhealthy if you are constantly stressed out, so try to take time to calm down because chances are that you are probably overreacting.

Helpful Tip: The healthier you are the happier and better you will feel. I don’t really understand why but it works.

Word Count: 277

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