As we all know AP exams are coming up and
they can be extremely stressful when trying to prepare for them. There are
equations you have to memorize, words you have to be able to define, concepts
you have to understand, laws you have to know and all of the exceptions that come
with. It’s a lot to do in not a lot of time and I have some few tips to help
get you through it.
When trying to memorize a ton of equations, try
using flashcards. I know this method isn’t unique or new, but it works. Then you
sit down and go over them until they are all memorized. I know for AP Physics
especially there are a lot of equations that you need to know that aren’t provided
on the equation sheet, so this method is great for the last minute memorizing I'm
about to do.
Do all of the review sheets that the teachers
give you. The school year is a really long time and you probably don’t remember
every little thing that was discussed at the beginning of the year. If your
teacher doesn’t give out review sheets you can always go online and other
teachers have posted their review worksheets. You should go over past material
before taking your big test.
Many times teachers will give out finals before
AP exams to try to help prepare you. I suggest using this time to really focus
on what you need to review before the AP exam. Look at what you missed on the final and look
at those subjects first when studying.
Don’t stress out too much. While I do believe
that you do need to study in order to prepare for the exams, there is a point
where you have to realize that you know what you know. There’s nothing you can
do to change it but chances are that you know the most important concepts
anyway and you have to trust your instincts. Take your best guess because you
probably do know the right answer.
Stay focused. I know you have been studying all
year and are getting tired of working so hard and all you want to do is stop
worrying about it. But it after the couple hours it takes to complete your
exams, you will have nothing to worry about. You don’t want to regret not
studying as hard as you could have because you got a crappy score. I mean you
did work hard all year to get good grades and you want to be able to show that
off. Besides, if you do well enough it could save you hundreds of dollars on
tuition fees if you pass out of some basic classes.
I just want to wish all of you
good luck on your exams and best wishes while studying!
Word count: 481
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