Sunday, April 5, 2015

Spring Is Finally Here

I don’t know about where you live, but the weather is finally starting to warm up where I am at. The birds are back, the sun is out, the grass is getting greener, and, unfortunately, we still have to continue to go to school. This time of year is always especially hard because it is finally nice outside and you are stuck sitting inside under fluorescent bulbs listening to lectures about acid-base reactions, or finding the derivative of a function. I know I am only a junior but I feel like I have a bad case of senioritis. This is also the time of year when the girl’s golf season gets up and running, so every day after school we are outside practicing. This is especially bad because we all know that AP exams are coming up and it is almost time to start reviewing and studying for those babies.

All you want to is relax in the sun before it gets too hot outside, but no, you have to study your butt off for the AP exams.  This year I am taking four: AP language and composition, AP Physics1, AP Chemistry, and AP U.S. History. I feel like I am going to regret this decision later.

Also with spring, I have started looking for a job. I will probably be writing an entire blog post about this later, because it is turning out to be harder than expected. I have applied to many places and hardly anyone has contacted me back. Anyways, if you’re looking for a job as well just wait, there’ll be a blog coming to help.

The summer is almost here and the most important thing right now is to stay focused on your school work and not get distracted by everything else. I know it’s not fun and there are more exciting things you could be using your time for but you will regret it later if you let your school responsibilities slide. So to keep on track make sure you get as much done as you possible can while at school so then when you come home in the afternoon you will have less to do and more time to relax or work on other projects.

Just a side note here, I don’t know if it’s just me, but one of my favorite parts about spring is all of the thunderstorms. I know it’s a weird thing to like but, strangely, I find them calming. I know, I'm weird. Don’t Judge.

Word Count: 417

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