Sunday, April 12, 2015

Finding a Job

Recently I have been looking for a part- time job so that I can start earning money for college, and so that I can get my parents off of my back. I just sat down one day and filled out a ton of applications online and sent them in. I have realized that finding a job is not as easy as it may seem, especially if you are as busy as I am. It tends to turn off perspective employers when you say you won’t be able to come in to work until 6:30 every weekday. But, nonetheless I still need to find a job.

I have also found that the application process is a lot more difficult than expected. Sometimes you will be required to answer multiple questions and they’ll test your character, and these “tests” could take upwards of an hour each. So, when applying make sure you have enough time on your hands that you won’t be rushed and are able to sit down and really think about what the question is asking.

I have found that the place with the most flexible hours is the grocery store chain in our town, Hy-Vee. They hire a ton of students and are pretty understanding when it comes to sports or other scholastic obligations. Plus, the pay isn’t horrible. Their application is completely online and super easy to fill out and send in.

Another thing to keep in mind when applying for jobs is to be patient. Sometimes you will get a call right away to schedule an interview and sometimes it might take a month. It all depends on when they are hiring, how many people they are hiring, and the job they are hiring for. So don’t get discouraged when it might take a while to hear back from somebody.

When going in for your interviews make sure you are personable and you talk clearly. I've been to an interview that took an hour and a half, but I have also been on an interview that took twenty minutes. The people who are interviewing you know it can be nerve – racking and they are typically really nice people. From what I've seen most of the time they want to see you succeed so there really shouldn’t be any reason for you to be nervous.

Before going to an interview it is important to be as prepared as possible. I recommend these things:

1)      Think of some questions to ask the interviewer. At the very end they will ask you if you have any questions and it looks good when you have them. It shows the potential employer that you have really thought about the job. I typically ask, for example, when I will hear back if I got the job or not. This is also helpful because it gives you a timeframe to look for instead of you just guessing.

2)      Make sure you look decent. I'm not saying wear a suit to a cashier job interview, but don’t show up in Pajamas or something like that. They want people who can take care of themselves because it gives them some indication of what you will be like if hired.

3)      Know your social security number. I don’t know if it was just me but before I started looking for jobs I had no idea what mine was and had to look it up when applying. They could ask for it if you happen to need to fill out any paperwork.

4)      Be on time. Don’t be late. It sets a bad precedent for the future.

5)      When speaking, be clear. You might have to deal with customers at your future job and if the interviewer can’t understand you, then they’ll think the customer won’t be able to either.

And lastly, good luck! I wish you all the best of luck on your job searches.
Word Count: 648

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