Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Addcitive Powers of Netflix

It is literally a vortex that sucks all of your time, motivation, and really just any desire to do anything else all day. You all know what I'm talking about. That’s right, Netflix. You can turn it on one minute and the next thing you know four hours have passed and you haven’t even started studying for the big test you have tomorrow. It is addictive, and alluring, and terrible, yet the best invention ever. Netflix allows me to get my fix on all the latest television shows without the annoying interruptions caused by commercials. I mean no matter how many times I see that talking lizard; I am not going to switch my car insurance right then and there. I am more interested in who prince farming picks to give his final rose too, or who really killed the model before her big career launching runway show.  I have patience for many things, but not for commercials that interrupt me when I'm trying to procrastinate on my homework.

I think I do have a serious problem however; it’s gotten to the point where I tell myself, “I will do my homework while watching the latest episode of Drop Dead Diva”. When in reality I know I might get one or two math problems done in one hour long episode. I really hope I am not alone on this. Netflix addiction is probably the reason for my grades not being as good as they could be. But at this time of year I am constantly faced with this question: I could do the pointless busywork that my teacher assigned, or I could watch a murderer get brought to justice. More times than not the latter wins. It’s bad. I know. So my advice to all you high school students out there, don’t be like me. Getting addicted to Netflix is a huge detriment to your overall grades.

Word Count: 319

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