Sunday, February 1, 2015

How to get away with sleeping in class

Last week I wrote a blog post about how to stay awake in class. This week I will be writing about sleeping in class and how to get away with it. Before we begin let me just say that I am neither condoning nor encouraging you to take a little cat nap in the middle of math class. It is way better to stay awake and try to pay attention to the lecture the teacher is trying to give you. But it has recently been a fad to see all the creative ways students have found to sleep in class while looking like they are wide awake. Some methods are going to be more effective than others and it all depends on the situation. Let’s take a look:

This is one option, just pretend like you are praying. It is completely natural for people to worship in the middle of class, so why not take a little snooze. No one will even know, guaranteed to be a success. I mean are they really going to question your spirituality? I don’t think so! If the teacher does, however, question you, you can always get offended because all you were doing was just practicing your religion.



Then there is the classic draw or in this case tape a picture of open eyes on your eyelids. This way when your eyes are closed and you are fast asleep, you will still appear awake to your teacher. This is a flawless plan, except for the risk of looking slightly creepy. But it might be worth it to get that hour of sleep.  I mean it’s not like the teacher will call on you or require you to participate at all. So if you have enough artistic ability to pull this one off. I say go for it. But if you are like me and don’t, then I could see this plan not panning out for ya. I mean teachers might notice if your eyes just turned into a circle with a dot in the middle of it.


Then for those brave enough you could always just lay your head down and use your desk like a pillow. But be warned, teachers have a higher percentage of catching you and calling on you when using this method. But sometimes you lack the motivation and creativity to do any other method. This should be a last resort option because it comes with the most risk. I have found that this works better in larger class rooms where the teacher is probably more distracted by others to pay attention to you looking like the people in the pictures above.


Picture Credits (not in order, sorry) also check these out if for some reason you cant view the images above:

·         Relatable post #73

·         Top left twitter picture

Word count: 511

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